To achieve awareness on the issues of disabled people, with a special focus on those that affect amputees
To maximise the publicity of Salvatore’s endeavours, to support practical initiatives in solving problems that afflict the world of the disabled
Cooperation with public institutions dealing with disability issues (INAIL, INPS, UNITED NATIONS etc…) in order to identify, stimulate and support changes to the ongoing initiatives related to people with disabilities
To partner with banks and / or trade associations to generate financial instruments which can support disabled people at various stages (including financial) on their path to recovery
To promote a campaign aimed ensuring that the National Public Health Systems provide the latest in prosthetic design to all their clients.
Provide financial support to new sport initiatives involving the world of the disabled.
Develop new agreements with private companies interested in providing additional support to charitable initiatives, ensuring a strict and careful selection of events and the type of support
To develop new reference designs for prosthetic aid equipment which will be submitted to the leading manifactured, so that they can achieve economies of scale and evaluate, develop and possibly manufacture them in different versions, according to the potential of the target markets (third-world nations, developed countries, public health programs, private sector etc.) This goal will be pursued in cooperation with world-class academic institutions such as the MIT and other global research centers