A bill that aims to make the right to a dignified existence of people with disabilities and their families enforceable

The growing gap between citizens with disabilities (together with their families) and the policies that are registered in our country are not attributable only to indifference or protest, more or less conscious, against an inadequate and corrupt political class. It indicates something more serious: a radical loss of faith in democracy as a vehicle for…
My life for freedom

Do we live in a rule of law? But what does the rule of law mean? In the broadest sense, this expression indicates the type of state where the law over power prevails: it is the law that confers power and regulates its behavior. The fundamental principles of a rule of law are legality, the…
Improving the world is possible, necessary and right

Every day the Articles of the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities are widely betrayed by a politically (and not only) class which is guilty distracted and quietly in default. Article 3 of the Convention is certainly the one most ignored: general principles: Respect for intrinsic dignity, individual autonomy, including the freedom to…
Love for democracy

The importance of having an International Convention – on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – is given by the fact that it is equivalent to a law: it is a legal instrument which, once ratified, as has happened in at least 1/3 of the member countries of the United Nations, it becomes binding for…
Equivalence of accidents in life with accidents at work

If we want to build and design a society capable of welcoming everyone without distinction, it will depend on our ability to think about it, to plan it, to live it. And from our commitment, from how we will put our knowledge to good use. More than 1 billion people in the world live with…