Prime Ministerial Decree of January 12, 2017: definition and updating of the Assistance Essential Levels and the Tariff Nomenclator

ATTN: Prime Minister, Mario Draghi Regions Conference, President Massimiliano Fedriga Coordinator Regions Health Commission, Raffaele Donini Dearest, 6 years and 1 month they have passed – March 18, 2017 – since the publication in the official gazette of the Prime Minister’s Decree January 12, 2017: definition and updating of the Assistance Essential Levels and the…
I toy too

Rome, Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital. Vittoria Gelai Every child with disabilities, anywhere in the world, has the right to a dignified life. According to the World Health Organization, there are over 6,000 rare diseases, and 80% have a genetic origin. According to recent estimates, in the European Union, about 30 million people suffer from a…
Here we are, give yourself a dream

The cry of people with disabilities in Italy: we exist! Our country needs a bridge to bridge the enormous distance that separates civil invalidity from invalidity resulting from accidents at work. Equalization would represent the legislative tool to completely cancel this huge ravine. Like the injured person at work, the civil invalid must also enjoy…
To transform the invisible into the visible

The strong Italian public debt, which has reached 160% of the gross domestic product, does not derive from wrong strategies of politics and companies but from corruption, tax evasion, a mafia system funded by those who should fight it. The ruthlessness of these corrupters, tax evaders and mafia members is not limited to satisfying their…
The act of believing

There are at least two types of faith: one is religious faith, but I do not intend to examine religious belief because it is sacred and worthy of respect regardless of whether you share it or not; the other is faith in oneself, in one’s ideals and in the sacredness of life. Here, this is…