A bridge to overcome barriers together. Persons at the service of persons

Click here to relive the conference My speech: With sadness I must point out that in Italy, among so many endemic uncertainties, there is unfortunately one certainty: the right to injustice. Every day the Articles of our Constitution are widely betrayed, evaded, circumvented, deceived, transgressed by a political class, unfortunately, obviously distracted and therefore in…

On Wednesday 5 October at 11:30 I organized an analysis and discussion meeting entitled “A bridge to overcome barriers together. People at the service of people “. It will take place in Rome at Aniene Rowing Club. This meeting intends to involve and organize the representatives of the academic, industrial and political world to support…
Ours is an unjust country

Reducing inequalities and enhancing social justice does not mean everyone becomes equal, but it does mean having the freedom to be different. Our country ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2009. However, even today, both in politics and in public opinion, the concept remains that people who have…
Draft Law on the equalization of accidents in life with accidents at work

Those who live with a disability have the right to a full and dignified life. This goal can only be achieved by equating accidents in life with accidents at work. Salvatore Cimmino
The right to study to recognize equal dignity to all

The right to study, in our country, is not (yet) for everyone: according to the latest data, students with disabilities in our universities are 36,000, that is to say less than 1 in 100. And it is even worse for the people with disabilities who can carry out post-graduate research: there are less than 500.…