Human rights’ heart: human dignity

Human rights’ heart: human dignity

In Italy there is one certainty among many endemic uncertainties: the right to injustice. Every day the Articles of our Constitution are widely betrayed, evaded, circumvented, deceived, transgressed by a guilty distracted and quietly defaulting political class. Article 2 of the Constitution is certainly the one most ignored: The Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable…

By salvatore cimmino 29 September 2020 0

For a Positano without barriers, for a Positano for everyone and for everyone

For a Positano without barriers, for a Positano for everyone and for everyone

Transparency, attention to others and the protection of the public good: these are the founding pillars of Gabriella Guida and her “Su per Positano” training: fighting disabilities, discrimination and social inequalities is a concept that means everything and nothing in a country where the right of citizenship is precluded from the person with disabilities. People…

By salvatore cimmino 13 September 2020 0