Human rights’ heart: human dignity

In Italy there is one certainty among many endemic uncertainties: the right to injustice. Every day the Articles of our Constitution are widely betrayed, evaded, circumvented, deceived, transgressed by a guilty distracted and quietly defaulting political class. Article 2 of the Constitution is certainly the one most ignored: The Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable…
For a Positano without barriers, for a Positano for everyone and for everyone

Transparency, attention to others and the protection of the public good: these are the founding pillars of Gabriella Guida and her “Su per Positano” training: fighting disabilities, discrimination and social inequalities is a concept that means everything and nothing in a country where the right of citizenship is precluded from the person with disabilities. People…
A person without dreams, without utopias, without ideals would have no reason to exist

Imagine a world free of physical and social disabilities in which every person can thrive. Imagine an accessible, fair and universal world for quality education and health care, for social protection in which physical and mental well-being is ensured. Imagine a world where there is universal respect for the rights of the person and his…
Giro d’Italia swimming, a dreamer’s challenge for a solidarity society.

by Maria Teresa Pellicori COMUNICARE MAGAZINE THE PROJECT “The pandemic taught us the value of free public health, of investing in scientific research and of building a cooperative, supportive, responsible and ecological society”. Salvatore Cimmino, with his visionary project “Swimming in the sea of the globe” gives voice to this push. We are talking about…
Italy tour swimming 2021, for an Italy increasingly inclusive

I imagined the project during the lockdown due to the covid 19 pandemic, inspired by the enormous difficulties experienced by people with disabilities and their families across the country. The fragility of these people, and the families involved in their daily care, has greatly amplified the social and health effects of the epidemic. During this…