Scientific research for peace, development and equal opportunities means inclusion
Diversity is a fact, inclusion is a value. And it is a value that must be promoted and disseminated not only out of respect for others, but also because it creates a better climate in human relationships and allows everyone to best express their potential: it is therefore a development factor and a key to construction. of a fairer and more sustainable society.
This was the central theme addressed during the presentation of the beautiful book by Gianluca Bucci and Danilo Bascucci “The colors of inclusion: integration, family, business”, held at the Sala Caduti di Nassirya of the Senate of the Republic, on the initiative of the Senator Paola Binetti.
Not surprisingly, today is the World Science Day for Peace and Development, an anniversary that combines technologies and climate change for an inclusive and sustainable world. Scientists undoubtedly play a central role in the development of those tools which, it is hoped, will make it possible as soon as possible to free our planet from pollution and its inhabitants from disabilities.
New modern technologies provide help, unthinkable until recently, for all disabilities. These achievements should be remembered and promoted, every day, on all the front pages of newspapers and on the on pages of the main news agencies: for scientists, disabilities are here are studies of acoustic transduction, chemical regeneration, mobility aid for the blind, transmission of nerve signals and exoskeletons for paraplegics, gene therapy for the deaf, robotic prostheses for amputees, recognition of eye movements for people in locked -in, do you think that the researchers exalt themselves in front of these studies as a swimmer in front of the Strait of Cook in the austral winter.
Today, disabilities can take the place of the war industry as a stimulus to the imagination of researchers. I am sure that all scientists would agree that they could be exalted by thinking about how to overcome the problems of a paraplegic person than by studying how to mow their legs with a mine.
With climate change becoming a serious threat to the lives of billions of people and the planet, the celebration of this anniversary aims to highlight the importance of building communities ready to achieve the goal of inclusion through the elimination of all types of barriers and pollution and helps us to understand that social inclusion and environmental sustainability travel in parallel, together they promote the common good – essential – to build a world for everyone and everyone.the real challenges of today and tomorrow and represent the researcher’s boon.
Salvatore Cimmino