The importance of technologies for overcoming barriers

Paraphrasing Law 104 of 1992, article 12 paragraph 4, the exercise of the right of citizenship cannot be prevented by motor, cognitive, intellectual, sensory, psychic difficulties and other difficulties deriving from disabilities related to handicap. There are over 1 billion people with disabilities in the world. In Italy there are 5 million people with disabilities…
For the rights of people with disabilities, for the freedom and peace of their families

There are 4 million and 500 thousand people with disabilities in Italy. A third lives alone even if not autonomous. Despite the ratification of the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (Law No. 18 of 3 March 2009), the issue, when addressed, is treated almost exclusively from a medical-health point of view. When,…
Equalization of civil disabilities with accidents at work, the new pillar of social policies

In our country, the welfare model increasingly tends to minimize state intervention by delegating the response to the problems of the weak to spontaneous expressions of charity. Over 10 million people in our country are experiencing the tragedy of disability, who will never make noise, never raise their voices, never make demonstrations. They are those…
Torre Annunziata Future City

“Torre Annunziata Città Futura” is a project, born seven months ago, which aims to combat early school leaving and educational poverty through the fundamental role of the school community, the network of subjects in the area, together with civil society decides to hire a shared responsibility for the growth of boys, girls and adolescents and…
People with disabilities: stories of endless suffering and marginalization

Disabilities pose critical issues of inclusion and attitude, not only in terms of policies, economic support, dedicated services, the adequacy of living places, access to services. Disabilities pose problems primarily from a social and psychological point of view as they confront us with issues that disturb our consciences, such as differences, suffering and marginalization. For…