Merry Christmas
Salvatore Cimmino with Yoel Viterbo, ( Tsad Kadima student ) There is a principle above us, beyond our experience and our life: it is the common good. The good of the people. It’s Christmas and I want to wholeheartedly wish a bright future, one as protagonists to all persons with disabilities and to their families,…
December 3rd 2010, International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Third stage of Italian swimming tour june 17th 2007 The issues regarding disabilities are increasingly being felt among our society, but in a somewhat partial way. Associations, websites and the press mention them every day, reporting on new research and developments which improve the quality of life. The same is true in the world of…
To the Kind attention of the Italian Parliament
The House of Deputies Dear Deputies and Senators, right wing and left wing, centre right and centre left, independent and not and I hope that I haven’t missed anyone out. I would like you to consider an extremely important matter which is a part of our lives, offensive to our intelligence and to our dignity…
Alghero airport, august 30 2010 This year the swim crossing in Giancarlo’s honour was interrupted by the maritime authorities half way through when the finish was already in our sights, due to a gale warning, but this didn’t diminish the spirit or meaning of the event. I want to express my satisfaction and pride at…
Paradox Italy is a “paradoxical” Country, is enough thinking to the innumerable contradictions that betray embarrasses problems connected to social, economical, institutional issues; politics, in other words. From the Greek parà, (against) and doxa (opinion): a paradox is a thought that is in contradiction with the principles of the common logic. After this etymological analysis,…