Category: Articles

Sports as an escape from the dead end

Quoting Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, we can say that our society is dominated by the belief that the lives of disabled persons are apparently without meaning or purpose. Suspicion has always influenced the relationships between the disabled and the fully enabled ones, preventing the growth, the positive achievements and the realization of the dreams…

By salvatore cimmino 4 April 2011 0

When disability meets courage

  Aaron Fotheringham is a wheelchair user that hasn’t let his wheelchair get in the way of participating in extreme sports. At the age of 14, Aaron Fotheringham was inducted into the Guinness Book of World Records for doing the first back flip in a wheelchair. He calls his method of wheelchair extreme sports “hardcore…

By salvatore cimmino 3 April 2011 0

Christ no longer has hands

(Our dear friend Simona Gualla at work) Christ no longer has hands, He has only our hands To perform his works today. Christ no longer has feet, He has only our feet To visit mankind today. Christ no longer has voice, He has only our voice To speak of Himself today. Christ no longer has…

By salvatore cimmino 14 March 2011 0

Thank you Argentina

  Salvatore Cimmino with his trainer Filippo Tassara, Edoardo Stochino e Alessandra Romiti I am glad to share with those who follow me with trepidation and passion, the joy and pride I felt during my stay in Argentina. I have experienced the affection and sympathy of warm-hearted people, the participation of the Board of the…

By salvatore cimmino 7 February 2011 0