Democratic Republic of the Congo, children need help

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is immensely rich in natural resources, from diamonds to coltan, from gas to numerous and various raw materials. It is disputed and seduced by foreign governments and multinationals, but is sadly famous for its other characteristics: it is in fact among the poorest countries in the world, it seems…
Is evil stronger than good?

Because a coward, a thug, an indifferent person manages to be so effective in doing harm, and instead one who tries hard to do things well, or to try to do good, at best achieves results that are so modest as to be even discouraging? This question fully captures the drama of the history of…

“Often we printed the word Democracy. Yet I shall not tire of repeating that is a word whose meaning is still the real sleeper is not awakened yet, despite the resonance of many furious storms which its syllables have come, from pen or languages. It is a great word, whose history, I suppose, has not…
Not all disabilities are visible

The human being is capable of great positive actions, of generosity, but also of hatred and blind selfishness to the point of indifference towards others. This is the disability to be fought, the only possibility of defeating it until it is removed is to promote paths of social cohesion in the communities and to implement…
The most important article in the world is equality

Sooner or later it had to happen. It happened. In Italy, in the United States and beyond, people with disabilities are often denied life-saving treatments against covid19. The current crisis, although unprecedented, requires that compliance with international human rights standards must be at the heart of the responses provided by state and therefore health authorities.…