Category: Articles

A Swimmer

A Swimmer

There are moments in life where we find ourselves reflecting because there are people who face critical issues with tenacity and conviction, managing to overcome all kinds of barriers with spontaneity. There are moments where we reflect on why some set themselves distant and reckless goals. There are times when one wonders why in life…

By salvatore cimmino 22 October 2020 0

Human rights’ heart: human dignity

Human rights’ heart: human dignity

In Italy there is one certainty among many endemic uncertainties: the right to injustice. Every day the Articles of our Constitution are widely betrayed, evaded, circumvented, deceived, transgressed by a guilty distracted and quietly defaulting political class. Article 2 of the Constitution is certainly the one most ignored: The Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable…

By salvatore cimmino 29 September 2020 0

For a Positano without barriers, for a Positano for everyone and for everyone

For a Positano without barriers, for a Positano for everyone and for everyone

Transparency, attention to others and the protection of the public good: these are the founding pillars of Gabriella Guida and her “Su per Positano” training: fighting disabilities, discrimination and social inequalities is a concept that means everything and nothing in a country where the right of citizenship is precluded from the person with disabilities. People…

By salvatore cimmino 13 September 2020 0